Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Most Comprehensive Fatwa Against Terrorism In History

The Most Comprehensive Fatwa Against Terrorism In History

The historic Fatwa on Terrorism is one of the most comprehensive condemnations of terrorism to date and deals a devastating blow to terrorist groups and its affiliates by removing decisively any remnant of theological justifications for terrorism. No longer can the terrorists and similar organisations employ Muslim scripture with impunity to advance the onslaught of civilians...
Comprehensive fatwa against extremism and terrorism breaks new ground
This new fatwa from the renowned authority of Islamic world, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a spiritual leader of the overwhelming majority of Muslims deals a devastating blow to al-Qaeda and its affiliates by removing decisively any remnant of theological justifications for terrorism. No longer can the Taliban and similar organisations employ Muslim scripture with impunity to advance the onslaught of civilians, be they non-Muslim or Muslim.
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri is a globally recognised authority on the law and spirit of Islam. Drawing on his deep, erudite insight into the life and teachings of the blessed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and fourteen centuries of Islamic scholarship, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri's 600-page, detailed fatwa demolishes the theological arguments advanced by terrorists in prisons, on websites, videos and their literature.
Terrorist acts expel a Muslim from Islam
While most Muslim scholars denounce terrorism, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri goes that crucial step forward and announces categorically that suicide bombings and attacks against civilian targets are not only condemned by Islam, but render the perpetrators totally out of the fold of Islam, to become unbelievers in the divine, pristine message of Islam. This empowering, unprecedented fatwa strengthens troops and civil society bodies that are engaged in counter terrorism operations, and expels terrorists from within Islam.
Hell, not heaven
Terrorists commit acts of self and mass murder with the firm conviction that they will be rewarded by God; that they are heaven bound. For the first time in contemporary Muslim discourse, this fatwa convincingly advances scriptural evidence to demonstrate that the perpetrators of suicide bombings are destined for hell, not heaven. This bold Islamic view, amplified properly, will inject doubt into the minds of aspiring suicide bombers and thereby prevent them from this heinous crime.
No terrorism, even in war time
Modern terrorists justify their indiscriminate killings by claiming that Islamic scripture allows such campaigns in war. This fatwa opens new ground by citing Islamic sources which prohibit killing of women, children, elders, religious leaders, business people, non-combatants and even service personnel not engaged in aggression. Contrary to the mindset of the perpetrators of the 11th of September 2001 attacks in New York or the 7th July 2005 tube bombs in London, damaging enemy property or avenging a wrong done by another is strictly prohibited by sound Islamic scholarship.
Al-Qaeda, old evil with a new name
The Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) warned his followers about the dangers of extremism and terrorism. This fatwa collects evidence from early Islamic history about a group of violent renegades known as the Khawarij, the terrorist movement, emerged in the name of Islamic rule, universally accepted as being outside the fold of Islam by virtue of their extreme beliefs, violent acts, terrorism and constantly labelling other Muslims as disbelievers. Al-Qaeda and its affiliates not only share these character traits, but share a theological and political outlook that is almost identical. This fatwa enlists classical sources to illustrate that the vast majority of Muslim scholars, past and present, consider the Khawarij, the founders of terrorism, to be totally un-Islamic. The terrorists are the Khawarij of our time, based on direct evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah.
Terrorists distort the concept of Jihad
Terrorists justify their actions of human destruction and mass killings in the name of Jihad (holy struggle against evil) and thus distort, twist and confuse the entire Islamic concept of Jihad.
There are people who invoke the name of Islam to justify the killing of people, children, and women everywhere. It is a pity that such barbaric people still refer to their activities as Jihad whereas Jihad aims at eradicating ignorance, corruption, violence, militancy and terrorism and it establishes peace, tranquillity in the inner-self of human beings and in the society.
How the states should deal with terrorists
A state cannot be allowed to give the Khawarij any concession in the name of dialogue or stop military action without their complete elimination according to the explicit instructions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). The only exception as to when they can be spared is that they lay down their arms, repent of their actions and vow to honour the state laws and the state.
Keeping hostages or murdering foreign delegates
It can in no way be permissible to keep foreign delegates under unlawful custody and murder them or committing mass killings and destruction on the pretext of retaliation for the interference, unjust activities and aggressive advances of their countries.
Today's tragedy is that terrorists, murderers, mischief-mongers and rioters try to prove their criminal, rebellious, tyrannous, brutal activities as a right and a justified reaction to foreign aggression under the garb of the defence of Islam and national interests.
Forbidden acts can never be justified by so-called "good intention"
An evil act remains evil in all its forms and content; whatever we may interpret as injustice, this principle remains the same. Therefore, no forbidden action can ever become a virtuous and lawful deed due to goodness of intention.
Using rhetoric and claim good intention to spread disorder
Many people will make conversation, appearing pleasant in the arena of superficial arguments. They will swear on their good intentions, and declare Allah witness to their noble objectives and pious aims. Despite their assertions and testimonial claims, however, Allah has declared them miscreants and evil-mongers to face the torment of Hell.
Terrorism, carnage and mass destruction can never be justified in the name of any intention of enforcing Islamic commands and its judicial system. Nor can these reprehensible activities be any exception to the rule, or be overlooked, or forgiven.
A new vision
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri does not shy away from the need for political and democratic renewal of Muslim-majority countries. This, however, must not result in violence, mayhem and rebellion. Opposing the Khawarij, today's terrorists, is an Islamic duty and will earn divine recompense for this noble work. The fatwa ends with a call for reflection and reformation of contemporary Muslim affairs.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

The War of Karbala & The Martyrdom of Imam Hussein

"Whoever follows Islam and the Sunnah (Tradition) of Prophet Muhammad cannot pledge allegiance to an oppressor, or can such a person fight alongside an oppressor or excuse an oppressor or justify his oppression."

The War of Karbala & The Martyrdom of Imam Hussein

Muharram, Karbala, and Imam Hussein: The Legacy of Prophet Muhammad’s Grandson

The Islamic year begins with the month of Muharram and terminates at Dhu alHijjah. Its commencement with the month of Muharram and termination thereat with Dhu al Hijjah is an indication that the journey of religious life in Islam begins and ends with sacrifice, the implication being that a Muslims life in its entirety is molded with the intent of sacrifice.  While [the month of] Dhu al Hijjah presents us with Prophet Abrahams intense love of God and an earnest desire to achieve shahadat, Muharram is an invitation to a practical witnessing [of surrender] to that shahadat by the martyr Imam Hussein. On the tenth of Dhu al Hijjah, Ishmael in his submission to God offers his head on the altar of sacrifice, but God accepts this act of submission prior to the separation of the head from the body. And on the tenth of Muharram, not just the grandson of the Prophet, but those of his kin, present their necks in resignation [out of submission] in the Heavenly courtyard of acceptance.

In the prohibitive month of Muharram, Imam Hussein, the house-hold of prophecy [nubuwwat] accompanied with his companions [ashab] (who according to conflicting traditions number not more than 145), journey to the land of Karbala for the sake of upholding the sanctity of Gods religion, against an unjust, oppressive and dictatorial system, as they gathered to raise the standard of struggle. With the exception of the honorable ladies observing hijab and Imam Zaynul Abidin, all the honorable souls drank the cup of martyrdom. This is a momentous sacrifice in the history of mankind, which took place in the month of Muharram, and God the Almighty entered this as a sign (sha'ir) from the Muslim community [ummah] for eternity.  So, the events of Karbala are not just for those who call themselves Shias but are important to every Muslim and every person of conscience.

The Event of Karbala ... Is it a mere historical happening? The martyrdom narrative and the events that transpired with Imam Hussein and the rest of his companions are duly remembered. In certain circles, this
event and the martyrdom of Imam Hussein are treated as mere historical happenings liking it to the misfortunes and the mountains of hardship that befell other [mortal] beings, resulting in their martyrdom. Likewise, they
regulate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, to just another historical narrative, not warranting any special merit.

This particularity has evolved over a certain period, with a rejection of its mentioning from the practical and conscious realm. There is a growing realization in the minds of people that the mention of the event of Karbala
and the martyrdom of Imam Hussein lends towards Shia affiliations and is a task taken upon by them. As such, there is no importance attached towards propagating the event and martyrdom.

There is much that we can derive inspiration from in the anniversary of Imam Hussein and his martyrdom, since in his intellect which encompassed Islam, and in his heart which opened onto the human being, and in his movement which sprang from justice, goodness, and truth, he was a symbol for the meaning of a person who lived with Allah and sought inspiration from Allah for all aspects of his personality. So, when in our turn we seek inspiration from him, it is not impossible for him to be confined to a certain time or place; nor can any one event summarize him. We have seen that some histories summarize Hussein in Karbala' and summarize Karbala' in the meaning of tragedy, and when they wish to broach the meaning of the revolution in Karbala', they limit it in a narrow circle.

How can we be a companion of The Prophet’s Grandson? Whoever follows Islam and the Sunnah (Tradition) of Prophet Muhammad cannot pledge allegiance to an oppressor, or can such a person fight alongside an oppressor or excuse an oppressor or justify his oppression. Therefore, shorten your tears when they are tears of history, and let them flow when they are tears of the oppressed and downtrodden human beings. Karbala in its entirety was about oppression, since it sprang from the message in the path of justice, and it sprang from the heart of reality in order to argue against that reality, to revolt against it and to change it. Do you wish to be like The Prophet? If so, the issue is not to cry much, even though crying has its meaning. And the issue is not to mourn much and beat oneself, though that has its symbolism. Instead, the issue is to face reality in its entirety and to live that reality as Imam Hussein lived it and his family and companions lived it. They did not remain neutral in the face of the reality of oppression and arrogance. Do not move with Hussein in history; instead, move with him in reality, revolution, and change. So each of us should be Hussein, even if only one percent. Because when we live Hussein in his method, thought and spirit, and in his opening onto the issue of justice and liberty in the human being not only are we following the Sunnah (Tradition) we will find the audience of Muharram, Karbala and Imam Hussein among us today, and not just speak of its audience in 61 AH.

The oppression of Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and the extremist right are something that all peoples of every faith, creed, and culture needs to stand against.

We as a united Muslim community must fight against extremism, oppression and hypocrisy.  The oppression of Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and the extremist right are something that all peoples of every faith, creed, and culture needs to stand against. We as a human society on earth need to work and strive (Jihad) towards peace and love, the love that was taught by the Prophet Muhammad and his family.  The forces of extremism wish to bring us "Qital" or murder and death. We can not stand by while forces of extremism try to divide us and conquer us and turn the world into their worldview.  Imam Hussein stood up against the tyranny of the forces of extremism and hypocrisy.

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