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Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Local Muslim leader defends convicted Columbus Al-Qaeda cell members

There are times when even our local jihadists shock and amaze me. This is one such occasion.
Later today, local Al-Qaeda terror cell member Christopher Paul will plead guilty in federal court to conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction against Americans. He faces life in prison, but it appears that he will receive a sentence of 20 years as part of his plea agreement. Much like his other co-conspirators, Iyman Faris and Nuradin Abdi, he is making this plea of his own free will.
So what is shocking is that one of the leaders of our local Al-Maghrib Institute chapter, Basil Mohamed Gohar, circulated an email earlier today defending these Al-Qaeda terrorist cell members; not only going so far as to protest their innocence in the face of their own guilty pleas, but to ask others to pray for their early release and for their elevation in Paradise!
Al-Maghrib is a traveling Wahhabist roadshow that preaches an extremist and exclusivist version of Islam. The organization’s rabid anti-Semitism, Holocaust denials, and militaristic preaching of jihad even have other Muslims expressing concern about the radicalizing effect of Al-Maghrib’s preaching and programs. Gohar is the former “ameer” of the Columbus chapter, Qabeelat Hayl, and another one of Qabeelat Hayl’s founding fathers was none other than Nuradin Abdi, Christopher Paul’s convicted Al-Qaeda cell co-conspirator. Thus, Al-Maghrib has rightly earned the moniker, “Jihad U”. (See our previous posts on Al-Maghrib’s activity and events in Central Ohio.)
Gohar also heads up a local outfit, “Building Muslim Leaders”. This group just recently held a workshop in Columbus on “The Pursuit of Excellence”, which featured both Gohar as one of the featured speakers.
So it is especially disconcerting that an individual who is devoting so much time and energy into training local Muslim leaders is not only quick to defend our three local Al-Qaeda convicts, who as I already noted have all pled guilty of their own accord. Gohar’s email message is reproduced in its entirety below (thanks to the member of the Muslim community who forwarded it to me, but remains anonymous for fear of retaliation by these extremists).
To: [removed]
From: “Basil Mohamed Gohar”
Subject: Brother expected to plead guilty
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2008 14:51:06 -0400
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Assalaamu ʿalaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh
In shaaʾ Allaah this e-mail finds you all in the very best of health & ever-increasing imaan!!!
I was checking the weather today, and my heart sank when I read the following news on the front page:, Ohio — A Worthington man accused of plotting to help al-Qaida agreed Monday to plead guilty to working with terrorists.
Christopher Paul will plead guilty to a charge of conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction, 10TV News reported.
He is expected to make the plea in court on Tuesday.
According to prosecutors, Paul, 44, worked with Iyman Faris and Nuradin Abdi, who plotted to help raise money and provide equipment for al-Qaida.
Both Abdi and Faris pleaded guilty to the charges and are serving time in a federal prison.
Paul, born Paul Kenyatta Laws, changed his name to Abdulmalek Kenyatta in 1989 and to Christopher Paul in 1994. He is said to have obtained passports in several names.
Stay with 10TV News and for continuing coverage.
Just as the case with both Iyman & Nuradin, the idea that they are guilty of any wrongdoing, whether it be by US law or otherwise, is ridiculous, as anyone that knows them and knows even a little of their cases can attest to. Sadly, these brothers will stand a chance of being released much earlier if they plead guilty than if they fight through the courts and try to “prove” their innocence. The way these cases have been prosecuted has been a travesty and has been devoid of any kind of justice or due process, with the verdicts, as is common in most “terrorism”-related cases, having been decided long before these brothers were ever apprehended.
I ask Allaah to make the brothers and their families patient through these trying times and to expedite their release for captivity and to let this be a means of elevating their status in the aakhirah.
Wassalaamu ʿalaykum
If anything has been a travesty with respect to the legal process against Gohar’s associates, it has been the willingness of the self-proclaimed Muslim leaders to openly defend these terrorists at every turn! Let’s not forget that according to court documents filed in Iyman Faris’ case, after the FBI turned him, they watched as Faris communicated directly with Al-Qaeda operations chief Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in real time. And Christopher Paul trained in Al-Qaeda camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan — training he intended to use to kill Americans. These facts are not in dispute.
These individuals, such as Basil Mohamed Gohar, Ahmad Al-Akhras and Asma Mobin-Uddin, and the groups and organizations they represent, including CAIR-Ohio and Al-Maghrib Institute, sully the reputation of the entire Muslim community when they falsely claim to speak in its name and declare the innocence of these convicted and self-confessed terrorists. But as I have stated repeatedly, these individuals have NEVER been elected by people they claim to represent, and one only need look at their most recent published IRS tax filings to discover that officially CAIR-Ohio has no membership! Zero. Zilch. Nada.
The only way to combat Islamic radicalization and to defeat jihadist recruitment in our area is for local Muslims to begin to speak out against such outrages and to publicly oppose those terror apologists who claim to speak in the Muslim community’s name. Christopher Paul’s guilty plea should be a clear indicator that it must take place sooner rather than later.
NEFA Foundation reports on Central Ohio terror plots
Central Ohio PJM reports
Central Ohio American Thinker reports
Central Ohio Family Security Matters reports
Central Ohio FrontPage Magazine reports
- Hometown Jihad (4/3/06)
- Hometown Jihad: Blowback (5/24/06)
- CAIR, Assault and Videotape? (8/8/06)
- Hometown Jihad: Our Newest Citizen? (9/8/06)
- Ohio State Prof: What Terrorist Threat? (10/26/07)
- CAIR's Blood Money (3/13/07)
- Hometown Jihad: The Return of Salah Sultan (3/29/07)
- Hometown Jihad: The HAMAS Connection (5/11/07)
- Hometown Jihad: The School Gym that Terror Built (6/18/07)
- Not In Our Name, Gov. Strickland (6/21/07)
- Hometown Jihad: Getting By with a Little Help from His (Terrorist) Friends (6/28/07)
- ISNA Jihad Summer Camp (7/6/07)
- Hometown Jihad: The Somali Terror Apologist Next Door (7/11/07)
- Terrorist Sympathizer Tossed from Homeland Security Panel (8/8/07)
- CAIR Goes Back to School (8/23/07)
- Censorship State (10/3/07)
- HAMAS in the House (10/8/07)
- A Former Congresswoman Tries to Censor Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week (10/10/07)
- Ohio's Taxpayer-Financed Terror-Fest (10/16/07)
- Islamofascist Defends Fascists (10/26/07)
- Ohio State Does Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week Right (11/22/07)

Blog Archive
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